If you think open carrying a gun on city streets makes you a big man, you really need to look down more often.
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Category: General Rants
If . . . (part 7)
If . . . (part 6)
If Donald Trump thinks he can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters, did the cops tell him which black man to shoot?
If . . . (part 5)
If you enjoyed Donald Trump’s fake video of himself beating up a CNN reporter, imagine how much CNN is going to enjoy the real video of Trump perp-walking into Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary.
If . . . (part 4)
If you believe Donald Trump is sane enough to be president of the United States, you must also believe Dr. Hannibal Lecter is sane enough to be your liver transplant surgeon.
If . . . (part 3)
If you can pull for the Republican Party because they are middle class champions, I can pull for the Minnesota Vikings because they are Super Bowl champions.
If you can . . . (part 2)
If you can watch Fox News for their accurate reporting, I can watch Arnold Schwarzenegger movies for their superb acting.
If you can . . .
If you can support Donald Trump and call yourself a Christian, I can eat fish and call myself a vegan.
Who knew that being president was so easy?
Crybaby Trump tweeted this morning: “Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time. FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no! Bad show” Even though it’s an embarrassment to all Americans that our low-rated president regularly gets into Twitter feuds, the media needs to stop getting its […]
Let’s supersize our health care instead
I read in the newspaper this morning that Republicans don’t think Donald Trump’s proposed massive increase in military spending is enough, and they want to increase it further. So Republicans want to take health care away from millions of Americans to pay for a tax cut for the rich, yet they think we have plenty […]
What Greg Gianforte meant by “full responsibility”
Republican Congressman-elect Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte (first breath): “I take full responsibility for my actions.” Republican Congressman-elect Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte (next breath): “As long as I don’t have to pose for a mug shot. That isn’t included in my responsibility. Mug shots are only for commoners. I’m a rich multimillionaire. People like […]
Sympathy for the Republican
As of today, Republicans have rescinded the longstanding policy of allowing the media to ask questions of coming and going senators in hallways at the Capitol. Now reporters must get permission from the Senate Rules Committee before asking a question. I could go on a rant about how this is just one more step toward […]
Separating a verbal gaffe from intentional racism
Here in the United States, we most definitely have a racism problem. As we work together on fighting racism, we need to avoid hyper-overreaction and be able to separate a verbal gaffe from intentional racism. Here’s an example of a verbal gaffe: Bill Maher calling himself a “house nigger. Here’s an example of intentional racism: […]
Republicans: What is your moral justification?
Hey, Republicans! A few of my Democratic friends have criticized me for being too hard on you. Being a liberal, one of the requirements I put on myself is to be open-minded. That being the case, here is your chance to tell me to shut up. For this discussion, let’s start with some basic facts: […]
No, I cannot find common ground with repugnant people
The other day a conservative Democrat passionately criticized me because of my snarky treatment of Republicans. Instead, he said, I would be more effective if I tried to find “common ground” with them. I thought about it—for about a second—and rejected the idea. Montana’s special election is a good example of why I reject such […]
Fake news and alternative media
Yesterday I posted a rant about how Republicans have co-opted the term “fake news” for nefarious purposes. In response, someone suggested that mainstream news sources could not be trusted because they were all owned by a small number of huge corporations. While I agree that giant media conglomerates are troubling, that does not automatically make […]
Montana embarrasses me
So Republican Greg “The Body Slammer” Gianforte won the special congressional election over Democrat Rob Quist in Montana. How embarrassing for the state I live in. Even though I have lived in Montana for 20 years, I’ve never quite been able to bring myself to call Montana my home state. I moved here because of […]
Republican cult behavior
When my wife, Deb, ran for the Montana State Senate several years ago, I did exit polling to get a feel for whether or not she would win. It was a rainy day, so it was easy to bundle up and make sure no one would recognize me. When I counted just the people who […]
Greg Gianforte’s body slamming increased the Republican vote
Did Republican Greg Gianforte’s body slamming, punching, and choking a liberal reporter actually help his standing with Montana Republicans? I say yes, and here’s my proof: I live in Ravalli County, and on the front page of today’s Ravalli Republic is a story about how the last-minute voter turnout was much higher than expected due […]
No matter the vote count, the Republicans lose tonight’s election
Today, without a doubt, Montana has its most watched election in history. And since Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte chose to body slam, choke, and punch a reporter from the Guardian, a British newspaper, the election is now even huge international news. When I posted on this last night, I was surprise by how many […]