It’s McCarthyism all over again! Only this time the fascist government of Felon 47 wants people to turn-in teachers who promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Yes, people can actually report “divisive” teachers who mention the Civil War was actually over slavery! If you don’t believe me, here it is: www.EndDEI.ed(dot)gov. The accompanying photo is of […]
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Month: February 2025
Boycott Billionaires Day
Marty’s photo of the day #4645: Although I think Eat a Billionaire Day would’ve been more fun than today’s economic boycott of billionaires, I am participating. For those who aren’t spending a penny today, here’s a nice picture of the Yukon River in Canada, a country not led by fascists.
Photographing the Eagle Ray
Marty’s photo of the day #4644: Before I was into underwater photography, I photographed this eagle ray from a small boat in Costa Rica. Deb and I are heading to an island off the coast of Belize in a few months. Eagle rays are there too, and I’ll be ready with my underwater camera!
Eurasian coot
The Replacement Canoe
Marty’s photo of the day #4642: As documented in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, a hippo bit through Deb’s and my canoe, lifted us 6 feet into the air, and tossed us on shore. This hippo was checking out our replacement canoe. (Photographed in Zimbabwe)
Greater Kudu
Marty’s photo of the day #4641: This is a greater kudu, photographed while backpacking across Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe.
Tiny Weevil
Marty’s photo of the day #4640: This is a weevil, small enough to sit on a fingernail, photographed in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru.
On a Borneo Night Hike
Stepping onto Antarctica
Marty’s photo of the day #4638: On February 21, 2003, Deb and I stepped onto Antarctica, with giant snowflakes coming down. At the time, we were among the first two hundred thousand or so people in the history of the world to walk on the continent. And soon, we’d join an even smaller number that […]
Black Vultures
Headwaters of the Jago River
Marty’s photo of the day #4637: See that circle of ice between the mountains? That’s the headwaters of the Jago River. I shot this photo from a tiny airplane, as Deb and I flew south out of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. A few miles to the north, the river had melted, allowing us to […]
My Octopus Buddy
Marty’s photo of the day #4636: My octopus buddy, sitting on my feet, on the floor of the Sea of Cortez.
Flower From a Plantain Tree
Marty’s photo of the day #4635: I photographed this flower from a plantain tree the last time my wife and I were in Belize. The two of us are returning to Belize in a few months, and I can’t wait!
Nature’s Art
Marty’s photo of the day #4633: Nature’s art! This is a close-up of a cave wall in the Australian Outback. It was very dark in there, until the flash fired.
Winter Chocolates
Dogs are truly a superior species. While the humans in Nellie’s family fret over greedy Nazi and felon co-presidents who are willing to let people die for a tax cut, all she needs to make her smile is a deep pile of fresh snow. Oh, and frozen deer poops—winter chocolates!
Relaxing on an Iceberg
Marty’s photo of the day #4632: This is a leopard seal, on an iceberg along the coast of Antarctica.
For the Love of Snow
Smoky Jungle Frog
Marty’s photo of the day #4630: This is a smoky jungle frog, photographed in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru.
Montana Book Reading and Signing
I will be doing a The Silver Squad: Rebels With Wrinkles book signing/reading, Thursday, February 13, 7:00 p.m. at Fact and Fiction in Missoula, and a book signing Saturday, February 15, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Chapter One Book Store in Hamilton. If you’re in Montana, I hope to see you there!