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Killdeer and the pandemic

Killdeer and the pandemic

Marty’s photo of the day #3919: I photographed this killdeer on June 20, 2020. Deb and I had rented the Hogan Cabin that weekend, which is a Forest Service cabin in western Montana. Other than the birds and the mountain flowers, what I remember most about our visit was that it was our first time […]

Like the old summer cabin

Like the old summer cabin

Marty’s photo of the day #3911: Deb, Nellie, and I are returning to Montana’s Prairie Reserve this summer. We reserved the same yurt as last year, but for a longer stay. Being able to rent a yurt kind of reminds me of when I was a kid in Minnesota and having the family cabin to […]

Dedicated to Ukraine

Dedicated to Ukraine

Marty’s photo of the day #3908: Today’s photo is dedicated to Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the brave people of Ukraine. The un-photographed rabbit turd at the base of this flower is dedicated to Vladimir Putin and the co-chairs of Vlad’s Golden Shower Fan Club: Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. (Photographed on Antelope Island)

Wallaroo cuteness

Wallaroo cuteness

Marty’s photo of the day #3907: Here’s a little cuteness for your Sunday: Bonnie, a rescued baby silver wallaroo. Her mother was hit by a car, but Bonnie survived in her mother’s pouch. Many months later Bonnie was released back into the wild. (Photographed in Australia)