Marty’s photo of the day #3182: This is a Yagua village Deb and I visited on the Rio Orosa (a tributary of the Amazon River), in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru. Every time we stopped by a village, excited children would greet us as we pulled ashore.
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Year: 2020
People along the Amazon River
Marty’s photo of the day #3181: Even though people pictures aren’t my specialty, I enjoy the images I made of the wonderful Yagua people I met along the Amazon River and its tributaries. Here’s another one.
Amazon people photos
Marty’s photo of the day #3180: People pictures aren’t my specialty, but I really need to start mixing in some of the images I made of the wonderful Yagua people I met along the Amazon River and its tributaries. Here’s one of them.
Costa Rica color
I’m done with this particular winter
Marty’s photo of the day #3178: I like winter. I like the cold; I like the snow. What I don’t like are winters like the one we’re experiencing here in Montana’s Bitterroot Valley, where it’s a continual freeze-thaw, making the steep dirt road to our house alternate between ice and slush. Thanks Ronald Reagan! With […]
It looks fake
Marty’s photo of the day #3177: This is a night heron, taking off along the Sea of Cortez. It’s also one of my weirdest shots from Mexico. Doesn’t it look like I just digitally placed the bird into the scene?
To the top of Canada
Marty’s photo of the day #3176: When Deb and I reminisce about our travels on all seven continents, for my book Cool Creatures, Hot Planet, we inevitably talk about which ones we want to do again. One that I’m reasonably sure we will repeat is our trip to the top of Canada. It was so […]
Polka-dot tree frog
Marty’s photo of the day #3175: This is a polka-dot tree frog, photographed in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru.
Golf is not a sport . . . except here!
Marty’s photo of the day #3174: I’ve never considered golf a sport, because it doesn’t require running, skiing, skating, or catching or hitting a moving object. Instead it’s a game—especially if a slob like Donald Trump can play it and “defeat” someone. Golf is also horrible for the environment, since it requires massive amounts of […]
Not as close as it looks
Marty’s photo of the day #3173: Beware! Objects are farther than they appear. This is a great example of how a photo can compress a scene. I captured this image while standing on the outskirts of the village of Zermatt, Switzerland. It looks like you could hike to the Matterhorn in a matter of minutes. […]
Central America agouti
Marty’s photo of the day #3172: This unusual rodent that I photographed in Costa Rica is called a Central American agouti. Adults weigh about nine pounds.
Colorful bamboo
Marty’s photo of the day #3171: I hadn’t realized how brightly colored bamboo could be, until I saw it growing wild in the rainforests of Borneo.
Flipper is a stupid name
Marty’s photo of the day #3170: Today I’m featuring a photo from my second book, Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico. It’s a bottlenose dolphin, photographed in Costa Rica. And no, his name was not Flipper. It was Hey-You. As Hey-You deftly pointed out to me, […]
Giving Atlas a break
Marty’s photo of the day #3169: I can’t believe it was seventeen years ago today that Deb and I stepped onto Antarctica! It seems like just a few years ago. At the time, we were among the first 100,000 people in the history of the world to step onto the continent. Since then that number […]
Sea lion swimming lesson
Marty’s photo of the day #3168: I didn’t do well when this sea lion gave me a swimming lesson. I totally failed on the swimming upside-down while holding my breath for more than ten minutes part. (Photographed in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico)
It could be worse
Marty’s photo of the day #3167: For everyone up north who has to shovel their driveway over-and-over this winter: “Hey, it could be worse!” Icebergs along the coast of Antarctica.
What can I say?
Marty’s photo of the day #3166: What can I say about this guy, other than, “Jesus Christ, they make ’em big in North Carolina!”
Marty’s photo of the day #3165: Here’s a whipsnake that I photographed in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru.
Tiny waterfall
Marty’s photo of the day #3164: I shot this photo several years ago, while on a speaking tour in Oregon. After my show, I headed to the ocean and hiked along the coast, exploring tide pools. You are looking at a tiny waterfall from one of those tide pools. It looks bigger than it really […]
The last ethical brain cell?
Marty’s photo of the day #3163: No, this isn’t the last ethical brain cell in William Barr’s skull. That died on the day he was confirmed as U.S. Attorney General. Instead, you are looking at an extreme close-up of water from a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park.