Marty’s photo of the day #3407: Today is day #3 of my 2,600-mile roundtrip “Don’t Get COVID-19 and Die Tour.” Yesterday was a relatively uneventful travel day from southern Utah to Sun City West, Arizona. Since I only had 8 hours of driving, I kept an eye out for some desert to explore, but didn’t come across anything particularly beautiful (nothing was blooming). I did stop on a back road for a picnic and captured this cactus image.
I’m kind of kicking myself that I didn’t stop at a giant Donald Trump souvenir store I spotted in a small town fifty or so miles northwest of Sun City. It would have been fun “interviewing” whoever was behind the counter. I passed up that opportunity because I knew that no one in the store would be wearing a mask, and such a visit really wouldn’t fit the theme of my “Don’t Get COVID-19 and Die Tour.”
The good news was that I guessed right and my late mother’s heirlooms in the storage unit fit into the Dodge Caravan I rented. I was a little worried that I had miscalculated, and having to ditch some of the items I’m bringing home would have been difficult to do.
So now it’s on to Thatcher for my 7:00 p.m. presentation of “Around the World in 90 Minutes” at Eastern Arizona College. This year all shows but this one have been rescheduled as Zoom performances. I’m not worried about creating a “superspreader event,” because the students are already in contact with each other in school, and everyone will be wearing masks and socially distancing. My main concern is that my show is very physical—I run and crawl across the stage, drop to my knees, etc. Since I too will be wearing a mask, I’m not quite sure how my breathing is going to work out. Will I have to pause the action to gasp for breath? There’s only one way to find out!