Marty’s photo of the day #2744: Greetings (again) from Genova, Italy! This is the only city on our trip where we are spending two consecutive nights. Yesterday, I posted about meeting Anna and Andrew after Deb and I ended up locked out of the apartment we were renting. We could only enter by punching in an access code with a cell phone (once we got in, regular keys were waiting for us), but our cell phones don’t work in Italy. It was dark out, and we were on a narrow rock stairway that leads from a lower portion of the city to an upper portion of the city. Anna and Andrew noticed our plight and helped us by handing over their cell phone—in the dark—to use. I then gave them a copy of “Time Is Irreverent” as a thank you, and then today, Anna and Andrew gave us a present by buying us lunch at a local restaurant.
I have to say that Italy is a bit too crowded for me, but the people here are the best! We’ve met so many friendly people. Anna (far left) teaches computer science and Andrew (far right) teaches architecture at the Università di Genova. The university was founded in 1481 and supports 31,277 students. This is the entrance to the university. Yes, this part of the university is in a castle. How cool is that?
Tomorrow we head to Milan to see the Within Temptation concert. Because the band sells out shows all over Europe, we bought our tickets a year in advance. That year finally comes to an end. I can’t wait!