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Don’t eat this!

Don’t eat this!

Marty’s photo of the day #4470: AI technology amazes me. Yesterday, I finished the first draft of my eighth book, “Barry and Beth,” and in that novel, my characters are trying to produce a short video to stop barbaric alligator hunting practices in Florida. For a script idea, they try AI. Well, I did that […]

A perfect wild lupine

A perfect wild lupine

Marty’s photo of the day #4055: In the coming days, I will be featuring quite a few wildflower photos from Deb’s and my backpacking trip. Earlier this week, we backpacked to the May Creek Cabin, which is a U.S. Forest Service cabin in the Anaconda Mountain Range of southwestern Montana. Last year, a huge forest […]

Showy fleabane daisies

Showy fleabane daisies

Marty’s photo of the day #3312: This is the second year in a row that the Bitterroot Valley has had more rain than usual, so the wildflowers around our house are still blooming everywhere. I’m not an expert on flowers, so I had to check with the wifely identification organism (WIO) to get the correct […]

Cusick’s speedwells

Cusick’s speedwells

Marty’s photo of the day #2222: Here’s another of the 33 species of wildflower we saw this past weekend, while hiking in the mountains near Hall, Montana. The purplish-blue flowers are Cusick’s speedwells. As for the white flower, we’re not sure. There are so many little flowers like that—it could be any of a number […]