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Pygmy marmoset

Pygmy marmoset

Marty’s photo of the day #4226: Just hanging out in a Yagua village (Amazon Rainforest of Peru), holding a baby pygmy marmoset. The marmoset belonged to a young girl, and I paid her a T-shirt for the privilege of holding her pet for a few minutes.

Soooo Cute!

Soooo Cute!

Marty’s photo of the day #2786: In this photo, I’m in a remote Amazon Rainforest camp, holding a pygmy marmoset—the world’s smallest species of monkey. The little guy belonged to a Yagua girl, who let me hold him in exchange for a t-shirt.

Do I have a monkey on my back?

Do I have a monkey on my back?

Marty’s photo of the day #2764: Hmm. . . . I’ve been walking around this Amazon Rainforest village for a while, and something just doesn’t feel right. Do I have a monkey on my back? Actually, this pygmy marmoset was a Yagua girl’s pet. I gave her a t-shirt in exchange for a few minutes […]