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Photography by moonlight

Photography by moonlight

Marty’s photo of the day #3337: This is Fred Burr Creek, located a little below my house. I took this photo at night with no flash—just moonlight. I’m posting this shot out of season for a reason: the next time the creek looks like this and I can photograph it using moonlight, Joe Biden will […]

A different meaning today

A different meaning today

Marty’s photo of the day #3334: Among my favorite photos to post are those that I took years ago that mean something different today. This is Dr. Michael Glassman, a friend I made on my Antarctica trip. Back then he was just staying warm. Today the photo means, “Be courteous and wear a fucking mask […]

The four bears

The four bears

Marty’s photo of the day #3329: Back in the year 2000, I could recognize seven bears that regularly spent time on the land Deb and I own surrounding our house. This year, I can recognize four different bears. I photographed this one yesterday. I was surprised to see him out in ninety-three degree weather, but […]

The Great Stupidity Purge of 2020

The Great Stupidity Purge of 2020

Let’s call the COVID-19 pandemic what it is: The Great Stupidity Purge of 2020. A key trait of conservatism/Republicanism is that once a person believes something is true, no evidence whatsoever will convince that person to change his/her mind. Consequently, those initial months of Donald Trump treating COVID-19 as nothing more serious than the flu […]