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The other hippo story

The other hippo story

Marty’s photo of the day #4230: Via both my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, and my college show, Around the World in 90 Minutes, the hippo attack Deb and I survived on the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe (the hippo bit through the center of our canoe and lifted us six […]

Lion on the Zambezi

Lion on the Zambezi

Marty’s photo of the day #4172: Deb and I watched this lioness and four of her companions hunt Cape buffalo along the bank of the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe. We didn’t see a kill, and after about an hour had to continue our journey downriver. I shot this photo as we canoed on by. This […]

Campsite on the Zambezi

Campsite on the Zambezi

Marty’s photo of the day #4158: This was Deb’s and my first campsite, along the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe. At night, the hippos came on shore and roared—just a stone’s throw away from our tents. And joining them were lions roaring, elephants trumpeting, and hyenas whooping!

Hey Right-Wingers!

Hey Right-Wingers!

Marty’s photo of the day #4005: Hey, Right-wingers! My wife and I canoed the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, passing two thousand hippos over three days—including this one. And us two liberals did it without weapons of any kind in our canoe. So my question to you is this: Why are we such “snowflakes,” when you […]