Marty’s photo of the day #4667: Spanish ibex, photographed in Spain.
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Tag: Spanish Ibex
Parque Regional de la Sierra de Gredos
Marty’s photo of the day #4750: When Deb and I were in Spain, some 20 years ago, we hiked an amazing valley in Parque Regional de la Sierra de Gredos (it was just us and the Spanish ibex). That valley rose like the tip of a canoe at the far end, and then abruptly dropped […]
Spanish Ibex ver 2003
Marty’s photo of the day #4691: I shot this Spanish Ibex photo back in 2003, with my first digital camera (a Sony Mavica that recorded onto a mini CD). That camera was great for close-up photos of stationary objects, but not so great for distant or moving objects. Through the years, my photo processing programs […]
Nobody expects the Spanish . . .
Marty’s photo of the day #4376: So I’m just hiking along, and all of a sudden a Spanish ibex pops up. “Nobody expects the Spanish ibex!”
Nobody expects . . .
Hiking with the Spanish ibex
Marty’s photo of the day #3798: Today we travel to the western side of Spain to hike with a Spanish ibex.
Spanish Ibex
Marty’s photo of the day #3582: Today we travel to the western side of Spain for a little Spanish ibex action.
Parque Regional de la Sierra de Gredos
Marty’s photo of the day #3362: One of my favorite hikes in Spain was in Parque Regional de la Sierra de Gredos. Deb and I pretty much had the place to ourselves. Well . . . us and a small herd of Spanish ibex. It was wonderful!
Baby Spanish Ibex
Marty’s photo of the day #3260: Awww . . . it’s a baby Spanish ibex. Thank God Don Junior and Eric aren’t around!
Turn your head
Marty’s photo of the day #3232: Today we travel to Spain—for all the people who’ve always wanted to know what the back of a Spanish Ibex’s head looks like.
Spanish Ibex
Marty’s photo of the day #3041: This is a mother Spanish ibex and her kid. Need I say that I took this photograph in Spain?
Animals A to Z. The Letter I
Marty’s photo of the day #2620: It’s “Animals A thru Z Month.” Each day in August, I will post an animal I’ve photographed—somewhere in the world—in alphabetical order. I is for Ibex. I photographed these two young ibex in Spain. Once a plentiful species, the IUCN classifies Spanish ibex as “near threatened.” As with so […]