Marty’s photo of the day #4580: ’Tis the season for my annual reminder that clergy have sexually molested more than 1 million children in the past 70 years. Churches don’t pay taxes. And despite their wealth, bankruptcy is a frequent defense in sexual assault cases. Grabby Christmas!
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Tag: sexual assault
Believing Biden does not make you a hypocrite
I’m tired of right-wingers accusing liberals of hypocrisy if they believe Joe Biden, not Tara Reade. I believe women’s sexual assault claims should be heard and respected. In fact, I even believe that the vast majority of the time it’s the women who are telling the truth, not the men. That said, there are times […]
Not all men are creeps
Like most of you, when I read all these stories about celebrities and politicians sexually assaulting women, I generally believe the stories and hope the men get what’s coming to them. Additionally, I’m a strong advocate for women’s rights and am the agent for a civility speaker who does a sexual assault prevention program in […]