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Little Green Heron

Little Green Heron

Marty’s photo of the day #4048: I photographed this little green heron in the Everglades. This photo also appears in my second book, Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico.

The safer of the two

The safer of the two

Marty’s photo of the day #3703: I love alligators and hope to return to the Everglades in the future to spend more time with them. Hey, at this moment spending time with a Florida alligator is a hell of a lot safer than spending time with a Florida anti-vaxxer.

Thinking of alligators

Thinking of alligators

Marty’s photo of the day #3442: This morning I quite literally woke up thinking about alligators. Well, that and where the hell I’m going to go with the story in Time Is Irreverent 4, which I started writing yesterday. Anyway, alligators always seem to be getting the raw end of videos on Facebook and Twitter, […]