Marty’s photo of the day #4580: ’Tis the season for my annual reminder that clergy have sexually molested more than 1 million children in the past 70 years. Churches don’t pay taxes. And despite their wealth, bankruptcy is a frequent defense in sexual assault cases. Grabby Christmas!
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Tag: church
More gold in a day
Marty’s photo of the day #4215: As has become my tradition on Christmas, I present a photo from inside a church. I shot this one in Madrid, Spain (September 2003), where, as I wrote in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, “The Catholic Church’s long history of wealth and power […]
The Eurpean Church Tour, Pt 3
Marty’s photo of the day #3846: As has become a tradition, each year around Christmas, I dig into my photos of the great old churches I photographed in Europe. That way Christians can enjoy them for their religious significance, creative people can enjoy them for their artistic beauty, and atheists can enjoy them for the […]
Tweeting on the toilet
Marty’s photo of the day #3461: I took this photo outside an old church in Plasencia, Spain. Hmmm. . . . It’s almost as if an ancient Spanish architect had a vision of Donald Trump, tweeting on the toilet, on the day his loss by Electoral College landslide was confirmed.
Church storks
Marty’s photo of the day #3304: In rural Spain, storks nesting atop churches are a fairly common sight. Some people consider it a sign of good luck.
Paying for pedophile priests: No church possessions should be off-limits.
Marty’s photo of the day #3093: I took today’s Catholic Church photo in Madrid, Spain. I thought of it when I read that a new wave of rape and child abuse cases are about to hit the church. Apparently, when cover-ups fail, bankruptcy is one of the solutions. How can Catholic churches declare bankruptcy while […]
Trump and his Cult of Chumps
Hey Trump fans! Can any of you honestly say that you would have been hunky dory if Obama were president and Congress had subpoenaed three of his people to testify, but two ignored the subpoena and the one that showed up stonewalled—all doing so on Obama’s instructions? I realize that asking you about honesty is […]