Marty’s photo of the day #4633: Nature’s art! This is a close-up of a cave wall in the Australian Outback. It was very dark in there, until the flash fired.
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Tag: cave
The snake bat-catcher
Marty’s photo of the day #3858: I took this photo on a dark, rainy night in Puerto Rico (that’s why there are a few water spots on the lens). I am standing at the entrance to a large cave that angles sharply down into the slippery rocks, trying not to fall in. What you are […]
The bat-catcher
Marty’s photo of the day #3850: A Puerto Rican boa hangs out in a cave, waiting for a bat to fly by. Yes, these boas snatch bats right out of the air! (Photographed in Puerto Rico)
Not Rush Limbaugh’s brain
Marty’s photo of the day #3655: No, this is not a slice of Rush Limbaugh’s brain. It’s a formation inside a cave in Belize. And no, the formation wasn’t actually this color. I just got a little carried away with creative filters while preparing the photo for publication. And when I tried a reddish filter, […]
Inside . . . somewhere
Marty’s photo of the day #3399: This is either a photo from inside a cave near Chillagoe, Queensland, Australia, or it is a scan of Donald Trump’s brain. I’m not sure which.
Australian caves
Marty’s photo of the day #3128: When I was in Australia, one of my goals was to find a cave-dwelling Children’s python. I never found the snake, but exploring Australia’s caves was still a fun—and sometimes claustrophobic—experience.
Hiding from the missionaries
Marty’s photo of the day #3049: You’re probably wondering: what the hell is this picture about? When my wife and I were in Belize, we went horseback riding with one of the locals, and he took us to a cave, where we could see vampire bats up-close. This was one of the other sights inside […]
Queensland cave
Marty’s photo of the day #2245: I took this photo in Queensland, Australia. I am deep inside a cave, looking up at the ceiling.