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Grizzly vs. Bison

Grizzly vs. Bison

Marty’s photo of the day #2824: Who knew that grizzly bears were terrified of bison? Deb and I watched this mother and her cubs climb down a mountainside and cross a wide field. Suddenly the mother stopped, stood tall, sniffed, and quickly led her cubs in another direction. Moments later, a huge bison came into […]



Marty’s photo of the day #2523: Today is dedicated solely to doing the final pre-publication listen to the audio book for Time Is Irreverent. The audio book is going to be awesome! With no time for anything else, my description of today’s photo will be brief: bison.

Better than I originally thought

Better than I originally thought

Marty’s photo of the day #2377: Sometimes coming up with an interesting photo each day can be challenging—especially since I usually don’t select the photo until minutes before posting. On the other hand, sometimes I discover photos that I don’t remember taking or that strike me as better shots than I had originally thought. Today’s […]