Marty’s photo of the day #4616: In 2001, Deb and I began our travels for my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents. Our initial trip included Blackbird Caye off the coast of Belize, where this American crocodile hung out near the dock each night. I often wonder which animals in our […]
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Tag: American crocodile
Still Alive?
Marty’s photo of the day #4532: During the years 2001 through 2004, Deb and I explored all seven continents for my six-time award-winning first book, “Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents.” Since that time, my mind has often wandered to the thousands of animals we saw during our journey. Are any of them […]
Nighttime croc
Marty’s photo of the day #4003: An American crocodile pays an after-dark visit to Blackbird Caye, on the Turneffe Atoll, in Belize. American crocodiles are listed as a vulnerable species.
American crocodile
Marty’s photo of the day #3483: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything from Belize, so here’s an American crocodile. I made this photograph at night, while on one of the Turnaffe islands. The flash gave the photo kind of an unrealistic, artsy feel.
Animals A to Z. The Letter A
Marty’s photo of the day #2612: It’s “Animals A thru Z Month.” Each day in August, I will post an animal I’ve photographed—somewhere in the world—in alphabetical order. The name of every animal must start with the letter, and no letters will be skipped. Yes, I have photographed an animal with a name that begins […]
Honoring endangered species, part 5
Marty’s photo of the day #2406. This week marks the 44th Anniversary of the signing of the Endangered Species Act. Since today’s Republicans would rather worship money than do something for the greater good, it’s possible that this might be the last anniversary of the ESA. With that in mind, this week I’m featuring photos […]