Marty’s photo of the day #4686: I came across this today while going through my photo files, looking for a wildlife photo to post. Obviously, it’s not wildlife, but it was wild. It’s from one of my favorite radio interviews of all-time. I was on a book tour, in 2016, for my second book, Endangered […]
Elk hide and seek
Marty’s photo of the day #4685: Playing hide and seek with a big bull elk, last summer, on the Essen Wildlife Refuge.
More saw-whet owl cuteness
Marty’s photo of the day #4684: Deb and I have been hearing saw-whet owls in the forest surrounding our house during the past few weeks. With that in mind, here’s a cute saw-whet owl that landed on our front deck steps in the summer of 2021.
First moose of 2024
Marty’s photo of the day #4683: Yesterday Deb (wife), Nellie (dog), and I were on our evening walk, following the border of the Essen Wildlife Refuge. Nine out of ten times, Nellie will see wildlife before either Deb or I do, but she was off in a different direction when I spotted this big moose […]
Marty’s photo of the day #4682: A leopard seal surprise. Photographed along the coast of Antarctica.
Saw-whet owl visitor
Marty’s photo of the day #4681: Deb and I have been hearing saw-whet owls in the forest surrounding our house during the past few weeks. That sent me digging into my photo files to find this cute saw-whet owl that paid us a visit—landing on our front deck steps—in the summer of 2021.
Ears flapping!
Marty’s photo of the day #4680: Nellie, ears flapping! She’s now damn close to being just as fast as she was pre-bionic left-rear leg (surgery to remove her cranial cruciate ligament, refit the bone in her knee—all held together with a metal plate and six screws). I still cringe when she makes sharp cuts to […]
More icebergs
Comb-crested agamid lizard
I probably don’t . . .
Marty’s photo of the day #4675: I probably don’t need to tell anyone where I shot this photo, but then, I live in a country where large numbers of people believe that vaccines are harmful and Derek Chauvin and Donald Trump are innocent. So for those people, here’s a photo of “Venus.”
Somewhere in the Yukon Territory
Spiny stick insect
Squeezing between icebergs
Marty’s photo of the day #4670: Now that Nellie’s bionic left-rear leg is totally healed, we are back to all our old pre-surgery routines. One of those routines is a vigorous game of keep-away each morning, where Nellie will grab a stick and run at me full speed, only to dodge my grasp for the […]
Baby bison cuteness
Marty’s photo of the day #4669: Here’s a little baby bison cuteness for your Wednesday. (Photographed in Yellowstone National Park)
Can you find the eye?
Marty’s photo of the day #4668: Here’s a little underwater photography from the Sea of Cortez. If you look closely you will see one of the octopus’s eyes.