Marty’s photo of the day #4782: Yesterday, I posted about my wife, Deb, and I hanging out at a U.S. Forest Service cabin this past Monday thru Wednesday (on the East Fork of the Bitterroot River in Montana). We spent part of our first day driving remote mountain roads, looking for photoshoot locations, where I […]
Moving to Montana: The Short Version
Marty’s photo of the day #4781: The short story of Deb and me moving to Montana is that we had rented a cabin from a friend-of-a-friend on the East Fork of the Bitterroot River at the far southern end of the Bitterroot Valley. It was 1992, and we were driving home to Minneapolis after renting […]
Iceberg action
Marty’s photo of the day #4780: Here’s a little iceberg action for ya. Photographed off the coast of Antarctica.
The instant pond
Marty’s photo of the day #4779: At the Essen Wildlife Refuge (i.e. the 25 protected-for-wildlife acres where my wife and I live) we have an upper and lower level. The lower level is lush forest with a seasonal pond. Since we moved to Montana, in 1996, that pond has filled itself every spring and emptied […]
The Italian swan
Marty’s photo of the day #4769: I photographed this swan in Italy. Can you tell it’s an Italian swan?
Happy Day After Conviction Day!
Marty’s photo of the day #4768: As I was going through my photo files, deciding what to post today, I came across this several-year-old photo of Martyman and Mr. Trump Head. Yes, it’s almost as if each snowflake symbolizes something vile done by the whiny little Christian-Right champion. Happy Day After Conviction Day!
Great blue heron in the Everglades
The Amazon River
Marty’s photo of the day #4765: This photo should give you a taste of how massive the Amazon River is. And this spot—in Peru—is certainly not the widest spot.
Gentoo penguin
Attack of the Pipe Cleaner Spiders
Marty’s photo of the day #4763: If I was making a cheesy horror movie, I would spend a week in the Amazon Rainforest, looking for scary creatures I could enlarge. This one—that I photographed in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru—would be a great candidate for The Attack of the Pipe Cleaner Spiders!
Columbian Ground Squirrel
Marty’s photo of the day #4762: Columbian ground squirrel, photographed in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana.
Revenge of the pond sharks
Read the signs!
Marty’s photo of the day #4759: Two days ago, I checked the motion-sensing cameras that we have hidden among the trees in the Essen Wildlife Refuge. This creepy guy showed up in a spot where he almost had to walk right past one of our many No Trespassing signs. If someone makes arrangements ahead of […]
The wild in wildlife
Marty’s photo of the day #4758: The “wild” in wildlife is pretty much a guarantee that whatever it is will refuse to be predictable. My wife’s college roommates and their husbands came to visit from Minnesota this past week, and most had heard about all the wildlife we have at the Essen Wildlife Refuge. But, […]
Yeloow-headed blackbird
Marty’s photo of the day #4757: This is a yellow-headed blackbird, photographed in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana.
Cinnamon teal
Marty’s photo of the day #4756: This is a cinnamon teal, photographed in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana.
Mitch one, two, three!
Marty’s photo of the day #4755: These are western painted turtles, photographed in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. And I found out their names! The one on the left is Mitch; the one on the right is his brother Mitch; and the one on the bottom is his other brother Mitch.