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The Replacement Canoe

The Replacement Canoe

Marty’s photo of the day #4642: As documented in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, a hippo bit through Deb’s and my canoe, lifted us 6 feet into the air, and tossed us on shore. This hippo was checking out our replacement canoe. (Photographed in Zimbabwe)

Back to safety

Back to safety

Marty’s photo of the day #4551: I photographed these baby orangutans while hiking alone at night on the island of Borneo. They’d been rescued from some shitty thing humans did and then escaped the good humans who would eventually release them into the wild. I made sure they reached safety.

Here’s Proof

Here’s Proof

Marty’s photo of the day #4549: In my book, Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer, I write about a hippo biting through Deb’s and my canoe, throwing us onshore, and us laughing about it afterward. For the critic who doubted we actually laughed—here’s proof.

Among the Fire Coral

Among the Fire Coral

Marty’s photo of the day #4493: Deb and I have returned from 13 wonderful days on the island of Bonaire, surrounded by 2 travel days getting there and 2 travel days getting home. All of them bookended by a hurricane hitting Texas, just a day after we had a connecting flight in Dallas, and a […]

Attack of the Blauw-Blauw

Attack of the Blauw-Blauw

Marty’s photo of the day #4487: Yesterday, Deb and I drove to the northern end of Bonaire for a second visit of Washington-Slagbaai National Park. At midday, we found an out-of-the-way picnic table and enjoyed a delightful lunch, accompanied by thirty or so blauw-blauw (six-inch-long whiptail lizards with bright blue tails). The blauw-blauw obviously knew […]

Politics With Pearl Jam

Politics With Pearl Jam

Marty’s photo of the day #4458: So, I must admit that I was torn last night. Many months ago, I bought tickets for Deb (wife), Sean (son), and me to attend the Pearl Jam concert in Missoula. But last night also turned out to be Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech, which I really wanted to see. […]

Shooting Swatch Critters

Shooting Swatch Critters

Marty’s photo of the day #4452: My wife, Deb Essen, is one of America’s premier master weavers, and she has a three-book deal with Schiffer Publishing. My first two books, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents” and “Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico, feature […]

Four Years With Nellie

Four Years With Nellie

Marty’s photos of the day #4827-4831: On this date, four years ago, Deb and I adopted Nellie from the Bitter Root Humane Association. She was a stray, approximately 10 months old, weighing just 42 pounds. She now weighs 63 pounds, which is down from a peak of 70 pounds, after three months of inactivity due […]

Dewy 1 and Dewy 2

Dewy 1 and Dewy 2

Marty’s photo of the day #4808: Deb and I are back from spending four nights in a yurt on the American Prairie. Formerly called the American Prairie Reserve, it currently contains 475,000 acres of pristine prairie in central Montana, and the nonprofit organization that controls it has a goal of eventually acquiring enough land to […]

Weavings In the Wild

Weavings In the Wild

Marty’s photo of the day #4783: Here’s a “making of” photo, showing what Deb Essen and I were doing earlier this week. One of the cool ideas Deb came up with for her weaving instruction books is to photograph her completed projects “in the wilds of Montana.” And as her photographer-husband, I get to shoot […]