My wife and I love Obamacare (ACA). For self-employed people like us, it’s really the only way to go. Because Republicans are determined to take Obamacare away from millions (in a pandemic!) and are using a Supreme Court hearing later this month to do so, I didn’t waste any time and completed my application for 2021.

I don’t know if it will do any good, but if the Republicans are successful in their efforts, I would rather be in a situation where my 2021 application is in and accepted than risk the shutdown of the Health Care Exchange after the Supreme Court makes their decision. In other words: the GOP is going to have to rip my health care from my cold, dead hands.

If you too have Obamacare, I recommend completing your 2021 application immediately. Let’s make it as hard as possible for Trump and the Republicans to kill more people than they already have.