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The Silver Squad Is Here!

The Silver Squad Is Here!

Published today: The best and funniest book I’ve written to date. The national prepublication reviews have been amazing, and now it’s your turn to read. The Silver Squad is the perfect novel to escape into when the real world makes you want to hide under the covers for the next four years. Buy it at […]

Leopard in Zimbabwe

Leopard in Zimbabwe

Marty’s photo of the day #4593: When I photographed this leopard, the sun had already set, making it quite dark. My photo program allowed me to lighten it up and crop it, but attempts to remove the digital noise reduced the sharpness too much. Still, it’s a leopard in Zimbabwe!

A Holy Shit Moment

A Holy Shit Moment

Marty’s photo of the day #4590: This was a “Holy shit!” moment. Deb and I were out a little deeper than usual, when a massive school of fish suddenly engulfed us. The moment lasted only a few seconds, as tuna were pursuing them in a high-speed chase. Photographed in Bonaire.