Marty’s photo of the day #4488: If I could figure out a way to bring this mother and her foal back to Montana with me, I would! Humans brought donkeys to Bonaire in the 1600s to perform manual labor. Later, machines replaced the donkeys, and they were abandoned to roam the island. Wild donkeys have a difficult life here, primarily due to the lack of fresh water. Apparently, they will even push over cactuses to get a drink, if necessary.

Yesterday, armed with carrots, I made friends with a half-dozen wild donkeys. They are cautious animals, but by lowering myself to the ground, avoiding sudden movements, and talking to them in a calm voice, I gained their trust. Of this bunch, the first one brave enough to approach me was the foal. Then, the mother joined us as well. And the mother was such a sweetheart! Once she decided I was okay, she all but purred as I scratched behind her ears and along her neck. The physical attention was mutually beneficial, as petting her filled in for my dog, Nellie, who I’m missing more and more as the days go by.

But alas, the donkeys must stay in their adopted habitat. At least I get to take home this adorable picture of the mother looking over her baby as I said goodbye and walked away.