Marty’s photo of the day #4783: Here’s a “making of” photo, showing what Deb Essen and I were doing earlier this week. One of the cool ideas Deb came up with for her weaving instruction books is to photograph her completed projects “in the wilds of Montana.” And as her photographer-husband, I get to shoot all the photos. Because of her multi-book deal with Schiffer Publishing, we were shooting for her third book—on profile drafts—before her second book has even been published.

I can’t show you any of the photos that will appear in Deb’s book, which I shot much closer—using “in the wild” as a frame—but this wide shot will give you an idea of what we were trying to accomplish. Note how the colors of the rock formation echo the colors in Deb’s weaving.

This amazing rock formation is located on a lonely mountain road, near the east fork of the Bitterroot River. I was kind of hoping a car or two would drive by, so I could see the look on the passengers’ faces when they came upon two crazy people attaching weavings to the rock face, but we didn’t see anyone all day.