Day #4 of Seven Marty Essen Books in Seven Days, featured in order of publication. We continue with Time Is Irreverent 2: Jesus Christ, Not Again! This is the second novel in what would become the Time Is Irreverent Trilogy. Unfortunately, the advertising departments at Amazon and Facebook refused to allow me to use this book cover in my advertising because of its “perceived nudity.” Or was it because people might find my fun-loving, dark-skinned Jesus offensive? At least they allow me to use it in regular posts on Facebook and on the standard Amazon product page—because I am not about to back down and change such a delightful cover!
“Time Is Irreverent 2 is a madcap blasphemous comedy of the most delightful sort. Recommended for those whose tastes incline that way; if you loved Time Is Irreverent, run, don’t walk, to consume this perfect sequel.”—Tom Flynn, Editor Free Inquiry Magazine
“An excellent follow-up to the original, and this from someone who typically hates sequels! All the same great characters and more, plus Jesus—although not your mama’s Jesus. The funny is funnier, the crazy crazier, and the politics even more in your face (in the good way!) If you loved the first, you’ve got to read the second. Well done, Marty!”—Jeff Abugov, writer, producer, director, and Golden Globe Award, Peabody Award, and People’s Choice Award-winner
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