Marty’s photo of the day #4491: This is a tiny section of the Porcupine caribou migration, the longest terrestrial migration of any animal on Earth. I shot this photo in 2002, while traveling for my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents. This spot is in Canada’s Northwest Territories, which, unfortunately, is all but shut down due to fires. Thank 40+ years of Republican global warming denial and obstruction of environmental progress for that!
As I’ve mentioned in recent posts, my wife and I are planning a trip to the top of Canada this fall, and we hope to catch this magnificent migration again. Now, however, unless a massive rainstorm—covering most of western Canada—moves in within the next week, we are going to have to cancel.
If we have to cancel, I will shout a series of “Fuck you, Republicans!” into the wind, and Deb (wife), Nellie (dog), and I will engage in an alternative adventure. Last night I ordered maps for our alternative adventure, and we’re busy doing research. I won’t mention where we’re going until our plans are set, but it’s going to be as awesome as a North American adventure that doesn’t feature the Porcupine caribou migration can be.