Marty’s photo of the day #4105: Pronghorns, bison, and coyotes were animals Deb and I saw in both parts of our split American Prairie Reserve (Montana) and Antelope Island (Utah) vacation last month. Of course, the animal in today’s photo, correctly called a pronghorn in Montana, would commonly be called an antelope on Antelope Island.
Pronghorn’s are the fastest land animal in the western hemisphere, reaching a top speed of 60 miles-per-hour. While in the American Prairie Reserve, our dog, Nellie, disputed that, claiming that she alone holds the western hemisphere speed record—and was quite eager to prove it in a side-by-side race with a pronghorn.
“I believe you,” I said to her. “But just think how embarrassing it would be for the pronghorn, if you defeated him in his own territory.” That seemed to satisfy Nellie, and she remained by my side—trembling with energy but being a good dog as the pronghorn trotted over the hill.