Marty’s photo of the day #4098: From where Deb and I live, in Montana, one of the closest major concert venues is the USANA Amphitheater in Salt Lake City. So we’ve found it fun to take three days and mix rock and roll with nature. Six years ago, the concert was Joan Jett, and earlier this month the concert was Evanescence. For the nature segment, we hike on Antelope Island and the Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area, which are both located on the Great Salt Lake.
I shot this photo in the Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area. Six years ago, we had the entire place to ourselves. This year we were shocked and dismayed by the seemingly endless lines of fast-moving cars on the dirt road, stirring up dust. At first we thought there must have been some major birding event at the end of the point; then it occurred to us that birders would never stir up dust like that in a bird refuge.
Oh, and what’s that? A Trump flag!
Eventually we figured it out: At the end of the point, where the Great Salt Lake still had deep enough water for boats, was a speedboat something or another. Trucks lined the point and dozens of loud, powerful boats sped in wide circles.
Deb and I retreated and hiked out to another section of the Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area, where we had more than a thousand acres to ourselves. This photo shows the contrast: Where I took this photo, Deb and I (the liberals) are sitting quietly in the tall grass, and on the far side of the water are trucks (some with Trump flags and bumper stickers) and loud speedboats. And huddled over on our side were all the birds!