Marty’s photo of the day #2747: Greetings from Milan, Italy. Today is our last day in the country, and we spent it in the quiet little town of Angera (45 minutes north of Milan). The town was just what we needed, because both Deb and I had reached our limit of traffic and crowds. We knew nothing about Angera until we arrived. Our first plan was to tour the humungous castle on the hill overlooking the lake, but the castle was closed for the winter. Instead, we drove down to the lake and spent the afternoon walking the waterfront.
Angera is likely crawling with people in the summer, but here in the winter we practically had the place to ourselves. And there were birds everywhere! We saw more than a dozen species of waterfowl. I had packed my Canon digital SLR, with a heavy telephoto lens, and until today had regretted bringing it. Most of the time I wanted the widest lens possible—for both scenic and architecture shots. Finally, I got to use my big lens. I will go through all my bird photos on the airplane tomorrow. Today’s shot was more or less randomly selected from my camera card. This is one of the more than fifty swans we watched today.