Marty’s photo of the day #2494: I worked my way through high school and college as a DJ at radio stations WEBC and KQDS in Duluth. That avocation is long behind me, but I still take requests. Yesterday a friend wrote and requested a marmot picture. So let me, uh-um, clear my throat and find my DJ voice:

“It’s a beautiful morning here in Montana! First a shout-out to all the students who participated in the March For Our Lives yesterday. Keep it up! In just a short time, you’ve managed to show the world just how evil and insecure the NRA and their minions actually are. They really do value guns more than other people’s children! And now, I have a request from Sandy in Missoula, who would just love to see a marmot photo. I had to dig deep for this one. Coming all the way from the Black Hills of South Dakota, here it is—Yellow-Bellied Marmot on a Rock!”