Hey, Republicans! A few of my Democratic friends have criticized me for being too hard on you. Being a liberal, one of the requirements I put on myself is to be open-minded. That being the case, here is your chance to tell me to shut up. For this discussion, let’s start with some basic facts:

1) Donald Trump campaigned on pulling the United States out of the Paris Agreement, and you voted for him knowing that fact.

2) The vast majority of you claim to be Christian.

3) Global warming is real. This is confirmed by 97% of climate scientists, NASA, NOAA, the Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Change, the vast majority of college science departments worldwide, and the science departments of the vast majority of the nations on Earth.

4) If left unchecked, global warming will lead to massive extinctions, droughts, famine, wars over resources, and countless human deaths.

5) Clean energy jobs outnumber fossil fuels jobs by 2.5 to 1, and new clean energy jobs are rapidly outpacing new fossil fuels jobs.

Knowing the above, please give me moral justification for why you voted to royally screw over Planet Earth, your children, and your grandchildren. And since you are Christian (or at least use that as an excuse when it is convenient), please tell me why Jesus would pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement. Perhaps you can point me to some passage in the Bible, where Jesus says that poisoning Planet Earth is fine—because greed is the ultimate good. I simply want to know.

So please answer below. Deflections (such as China did it) will not be allowed. This is about our behavior as supposedly the leading nation in the world, not others. Also, if you deny global warming, you must provide evidence from sources that are greater experts on the subject than those I mentioned in #3 above. In other words, no opinion pieces or fake Internet surveys will be allowed. You must use real facts, not alternative facts.

Here’s your chance to tell an open-minded liberal that he is wrong when he says Republicans put love of money and/or party over country above their children’s future and the health of our planet. Go for it.