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The battle of the goldeneyes

The battle of the goldeneyes

Marty’s photo of the day #2883: Every time Deb and I visit Yellowstone National Park, we experience something amazing—and it’s not necessarily the wolves or the grizzlies. This past Saturday we hiked up to Trout Lake, which we had to ourselves. At first I was disappointed because the lake was frozen and we saw no […]

Black bear standing

Black bear standing

Marty’s photo of the day #2882: I don’t often miss posting a photo of the day, but Deb, Fiona, and I are in Yellowstone National Park, and yesterday morning we were up early to drive into the Lamar Valley. Now is the time when the locals do Yellowstone, because you can see the park before […]

Grizzly vs. Bison

Grizzly vs. Bison

Marty’s photo of the day #2824: Who knew that grizzly bears were terrified of bison? Deb and I watched this mother and her cubs climb down a mountainside and cross a wide field. Suddenly the mother stopped, stood tall, sniffed, and quickly led her cubs in another direction. Moments later, a huge bison came into […]

A grizzly family outing

A grizzly family outing

Marty’s photo of the day #2442: I had the privilege of watching this momma grizzly and her cubs for about twenty minutes. They came down the side of a mountain and lingered on their way across the valley floor. They finally took off when a huge bison wandered their way. (Photographed in Yellowstone National Park)