Marty’s photo of the day #4610: I thought about tightly cropping this night heron photo, but I like how the bird is frozen over the mountains. It’s almost as if I digitally combined two photos, which I didn’t do. Photographed in Mexico.
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Tag: night heron
Waiting For the Night Heron
Marty’s photo of the day #4598: This is a night heron, photographed last year on the island of Bonaire. Creating this photo required sitting quietly under the trees at a tiny waterhole, waiting for the bird to join me.
Night heron
Marty’s photo of the day #4268: Night heron, photographed on a tiny island in the Sea of Cortez (Mexico).
Night Heron
It looks fake
Marty’s photo of the day #3177: This is a night heron, taking off along the Sea of Cortez. It’s also one of my weirdest shots from Mexico. Doesn’t it look like I just digitally placed the bird into the scene?