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Skittish macaws

Skittish macaws

Marty’s photo of the day #3549: This won’t go down as my most crisp photo, but macaws are skittish. I had been trying to photograph them for the entire week I was in Costa Rica, and I finally got close enough for a few shots on the morning of my departure.

James Bond Point

James Bond Point

Marty’s photo of the day #3544: I came across this spot while kayaking along the coast of Costa Rica. I dubbed it “James Bond Point.” Can’t you see James Bond (preferably played by anyone other than Daniel Craig) in a speedboat chase scene, racing through this spot? At the last moment Bond would lunge up […]

Creatures of the night

Creatures of the night

Marty’s photo of the day #3515: Whenever I’m in a region of the world with a rainforest, my favorite thing to do is wait until dark and then head out with a flashlight. Often the creatures of the night look like they are from another planet. Here’s a katydid from one of my night hikes […]



Marty’s photo of the day #3464: A high-resolution version of this toucan photo appears in my second book, Endangered Edens: Exploring the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, the Everglades, and Puerto Rico. (Photographed in Costa Rica.)

41 more days . . .

41 more days . . .

Marty’s photo of the day #3456: Never has the time between the Presidential Election in Inauguration Day moved so slowly. We still have 41 more days of the most incompetent, selfish, evil president in American history. All this waiting is making me crabby. (Photographed in Costa Rica)

Artsy toucan

Artsy toucan

Marty’s photo of the day #3397: Photographing a toucan in Costa Rica’s rainforest is difficult, because tree branches always seem to be in the way, and if they’re not, then the lighting is inconsistent. Sometimes you just have to go artsy.