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Calliope hummingbird

Calliope hummingbird

Marty’s photo of the day #4802: I photographed this calliope hummingbird yesterday. She perched directly in front of my outdoor office (front porch) and stayed long enough for me to hurry inside, attach a lens to my camera, race back outside, and shoot multiple pictures.

Feeding time!

Feeding time!

Marty’s photo of the day #4792: As promised with yesterday’s photo of the day, here is the calliope hummingbird mother, photographed from Deb’s and my top floor bedroom window. From this angle, a branch blocks the view of the nest, but the hummingbird appears to be feeding her chicks. My goal for later this month […]

Hummingbird in her nest

Hummingbird in her nest

Marty’s photo of the day #4791: Late yesterday afternoon, my wife, Deb, spotted a calliope hummingbird and her nest. The nest is in a tree, not far from our side porch. It was too high to get a good angle on it, but this morning we figured out that I can get a better angle […]

I’m done with this particular winter

I’m done with this particular winter

Marty’s photo of the day #3178: I like winter. I like the cold; I like the snow. What I don’t like are winters like the one we’re experiencing here in Montana’s Bitterroot Valley, where it’s a continual freeze-thaw, making the steep dirt road to our house alternate between ice and slush. Thanks Ronald Reagan! With […]

Calliope hummingbird

Calliope hummingbird

Marty’s photo of the day #2950: In the summer, I move my office out to the front porch. That means that while I work a wide variety of animals pass in front of me. On some days it could be a moose, a bear, a herd of elk, wild turkeys, or a peacock. But every […]