Marty’s photo of the day #4648: Greater kudu, photographed in Zimbabwe.
Black bear
Marty’s photo of the day #4647: This is one of my favorite black bear shots, taken while out hiking. Yeah, I used a telephoto lens.
A pretty little waterfall in . . .
Night walks in the forest with Nellie
Marty’s photo of the day #4644: Nellie loves routines, and with her it only takes once to establish a precedent. After she had TPLO surgery on November 1st, to get her bionic left-rear leg, she would get me up three and four times a night to go for walks in the forest. I was happy […]
Viceroy Butterfly
Marty’s photo of the day #4643: Viceroy butterfly, photographed in the Everglades. Throughout my travels, I have found dozens of animal mimics, and the evolution of those species has always fascinated me. Some are harmless creatures that mimic deadly creatures; others are camouflage masters that mimic their surroundings. With that in mind, the viceroy butterfly […]
Walking stick
Snake art
Marty’s photo of the day #4641: Snake art! Many years ago, when I was switching from film to digital photography, I photographed my rainbow boa, Eve, and messed with her colors in a photo program. So in this photo, the snake and her markings are real, and her colors are as fake as the colors […]
Tundra close-up
Orangutan find
Marty’s photo of the day #4639: Being that this is photo 4,639, when I go through my photo files each morning to decide what to post, sometimes it’s frustrating finding something of high quality that I haven’t posted before. That’s especially the case when I go through the photos I took while working on my […]
The hardest parts of recovery
Marty’s photo of the day #4638: I blindly shot this photo through my legs this morning. I thought about straightening it in my photo program, but I think it’s funnier tilted. As many of you know, Nellie had TPLO surgery on her left rear leg on November 1. That surgery involved removing her cranial cruciate […]
Barren-ground caribou
South polar skua
Marty’s photo of the day #4636: South polar skua, photographed on a tiny island off the coast of Antarctica.
Marc-André Fleury
Marty’s photo of the day #4635: It was so much fun watching Marc-André Fleury become the second winningest goalie in NHL history last night, leading the Minnesota Wild to a 5 to 0 shutout of the New York Islanders. Pulling for Fleury is so much better than pulling for assholes, such as football’s Aaron Rodgers. […]
Kate, raccoon!
Marty’s photo of the day #4634: This old photo, shot directly behind Deb’s and my house, will always make me think of our late golden retriever, Kate. She was the first to spot the raccoon, and for years afterward we could call out, “Kate, raccoon!” and she’d look in the same tree. Admittedly, I often […]
Fairy snow
Marty’s photo of the day #4631: No, this isn’t another photo from the James Webb Space Telescope. Instead, it’s a shot from my Canon R50 camera. Some nights, when it gets really cold outside, we get ice crystal “fairy” snow. Last night was one of those times. Whenever it happens I experiment various photography techniques […]
Two-headed snake thing
Marty’s photo of the day #4630: Last night my wife, Deb, pointed out that Eve and her daughter, Lara Flynn Boa, were doing their “two-headed snake thing.” So I went upstairs to grab my camera, and then our dog, Nellie, decided to help with the photo session by placing her head between the lens and […]
Jesus Christ lizard
Marty’s photo of the day #4629: Jesus Christ lizards are called such because when young they can run across water on their hind legs. It’s quite comical to watch. (Photographed in Costa Rica)