Marty’s photos of the day #3667: Here are three more photos from Nellie’s first backpacking trip (this past weekend).
1) Nellie always insisted on leading, as we hiked six-miles-to and six-miles-from the Twogood Cabin in western Montana. She did a great job of setting the pace. Except, of course, when the squirrels and chipmunks invited her to come play. Hey, a dog’s gotta do what a dog’s gotta do!
2) This is the Twogood Forest Service Cabin, a rustic mountain cabin, where we stayed for two nights. Deb and I spent a lot of time sitting on the bridge with our legs hanging over the stream. Evenings drinking whiskey-waters were the best!
3) Nellie was always too busy to just sit on the bridge. She’d play in the water, collect sticks, and look for porcupines. She’d also squeeze behind Deb and me on the bridge. Twice Nellie managed to fall off the bridge. This photo is after the second time. She misjudged where Deb was sitting and tumbled back-first into the shallow water. The fall looked scary, but she landed safely—just soaked—got up, raced twice around the cabin, and then returned to tell Deb all about her adventure.