Marty’s photo of the day #2746: Greetings from Arona, Italy. Last night, in Milan, Deb and I savored Within Temptation in concert. Over the years, I’ve seen the best—from the Rolling Stones to Bruce Springsteen to Tina Turner to Garbage to Grace Potter—and Within Temptation is right up there with all of them. The concert hall was packed, and the two of us arrived early and claimed a spot on the risers, right behind the soundboard (always the best spot in the house for sound). The sound was perfect!
Two nights ago, Within Temptation (from the Netherlands) announced a rare North American tour. Between February 28 and March 19, they will be performing concerts in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Toronto, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and other places. We are already talking about catching their show again—perhaps in Denver or Portland. If you live near a city where Within Temptation is performing and love music, I highly recommend buying tickets to their show. You won’t be disappointed!