Marty’s photo of the day #4498: As far as I know, my father was devoid of creativity. When I was six years old, I got a Diana camera and promptly filled the first roll of film with nothing but photos of feet. My father scolded me and threatened to take the camera away.

Perhaps that’s one of the reasons I married a creative woman, Deb. I still occasionally shoot creative photos that require creative minds to appreciate. While my wife and I were visiting the island of Bonaire last month, I spent quite a bit of time making friends with the wild donkeys there (the donkeys were brought to the island in the 1600s and abandoned when replaced by machines).

Part of making donkey friends was getting on my knees with an apple in one hand and a camera in the other. Once I gained the donkeys’ trust, they’d surround me, and I’d more-or-less blindly shoot photos with one hand, while using the other hand to feed the donkeys pieces I had bitten off the apple. The result was some extreme close-ups. Not all were in focus, but all were hilarious. I like this one, as the donkey’s snout appears much longer than it really is. I think it’s far superior to the typical non-creative wild donkey photos most tourists take—pausing just long enough to snap a cell phone photo through the open window of their car.