Day #6 of Seven Marty Essen Books in Seven Days, featured in order of publication. We continue with my return to nonfiction writing: Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer. Like so many other authors and musicians, this is my “What I did while in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic project.”
“Hits, Heathens, and Hippos proves life is mostly luck and a little timing with many laughs along the way. Marty Essen has demonstrated that life is what you do while you decide what you are going to be when you grow up. This is a great book about a life of ventures, friends and a few lessons about winning and losing.”—Governor Brian Schweitzer (Democrat, Montana 2005–2013)
“Marty Essen’s latest book, Hits, Heathens, and Hippos—which includes a funny story from my days working with his talent agency—really drew me in. His descriptions of our old Minneapolis stomping grounds, and our mutual hometown of Duluth, brought back a lot of forgotten memories, and it was a pleasure to delve into his recollections through his colorful storytelling. Even if you’re not in the music business, Marty’s stories will fascinate you!”—Phil Solem, The Rembrandts
“Marty Essen’s book, Hits, Heathens and Hippos, takes you on a comedy journey that never ends. It’s a wicked funny ride. And I know funny.”—Karen Pickering, comedian
“These days it’s imperative to be reminded that one’s dreams can still be made manifest through a combination of fortitude, aptitude, and a good-humored willingness to fail miserably. Marty Essen’s aptly titled new book, Hits, Heathens, and Hippos is a glorious romp through the pathos, triumph, and sheer absurdity of a small scale rock and roll universe, one that nonetheless, has all the trimmings of the big one.”—Peter Himmelman, musician
“Renaissance man Marty Essen takes us on a journey through his life’s many adventures in Hits, Heathens, and Hippos. From his days working in radio as Minnesota’s youngest DJ, to his time as agent/manager in the music world, his ownership of an amateur baseball league (yes, baseball league) and telecommunications company, world traveler, award winning nature author, progressive political activist (in rural Montana!), and public speaker; Hits, Heathens, and Hippos is entertaining, funny, and evocative. Oh, and tell Deb, her Fairchild backdrop is in my garage waiting for the reunion tour to be booked by Marty.”—Brian Kinney, Fairchild
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