Marty’s photo of the day #4363: I shot this photo at the beginning of one of Deb’s and my biggest adventures. We were with the Iban tribe (a tribe once famous for headhunting), on the island of Borneo. On the far side of this lake is the AI River (AI means “water” in the Iban language). We would take a longboat (a long canoe) up the river, until reaching a waterfall, and then become only the third outsiders (blondes) to ever backpack the Red Ape Trail (an old Iban hunting trail).
Our adventures were extreme, to say the least, and you can read about them in two of my books, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, and Hits, Heathens, and Hippos: Stories from an Agent, Activist, and Adventurer.