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Three months of April

Three months of April

Marty’s photo of the day #4009: My wife, Deb, and I live in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana, where, other than the far-right politics, there may not be a better place to live in the contiguous 48 states. Still, it seems that wherever a person lives, some bad always comes with the good. We’ve lived […]

Hey Right-Wingers!

Hey Right-Wingers!

Marty’s photo of the day #4005: Hey, Right-wingers! My wife and I canoed the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, passing two thousand hippos over three days—including this one. And us two liberals did it without weapons of any kind in our canoe. So my question to you is this: Why are we such “snowflakes,” when you […]

Arizona scenic

Arizona scenic

Marty’s photo of the day #4004: I haven’t posted a scenic photo for a while. Here’s one I took a few years ago, while on a college speaking tour in Arizona. I was driving between gigs, when a snowstorm hit. I had some time, so I parked the car and went hiking for a while.



Marty’s photo of the day #4000: Holy shit! This is photo of the day four thousand. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been posting these for that long. Today I have a toucan that I photographed in the rainforest of Costa Rica. The damn branch refused to get out of my way!

Backwards and in high heels

Backwards and in high heels

This has been an insanely busy week, getting my latest novel, Doctor Refurb, ready for print. In addition to working with my book designer on the cover and interior, I have been doing a final safety proof of the manuscript and all the other elements that go inside the book and on the back cover. […]

Yagua boys where . . .

Yagua boys where . . .

Marty’s photo of the day #3998: Yagua boys, in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru. There, they and their families live among poisonous snakes, giant spiders, jaguars, and piranhas—and no one is so baby-ass-insecure that they feel the need to own an assault rifle for “personal protection.”