Marty’s photo of the day #3940: This is the waterfall Deb and I had to climb up alongside to begin our epic backpacking trip with the Iban tribe in Borneo. The two of us were only the third outsiders to ever hike the Red Ape Trail (an old Iban hunting trail). Our adventure included losing our guide miles from nowhere, picking up a new guide, close encounters with orangutans, hungry land leeches, debilitating heat and humidity, shimmying along mud cliffs with 80-foot drops, wading through belly-button-high rapids, climbing mountains, sliding down mountains, sliding down waterfalls, and then racing down a narrow high-walled canyon in a torrential rainstorm ahead of rising flood waters—and then Deb breaks her toe.
You can read about our entire adventure in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents.