Marty’s photo of the day #3927: April will be my most back to normal speaking tour since the start of the pandemic. It includes shows in greater Chicago, greater New York City, and even a return to an old favorite—the Tanglewood Nature Center in upstate New York (where this photo of me with a great horned owl was taken). Here’s my April tour schedule:
April 11, 2:00 PM, Prairie State College, Chicago Heights, IL
April 18, Noon, Guilford Tech & Community College, Jamestown, NC
April 19, 7:00 PM, Lehigh Carbon Community College, Schnecksville, PA
April 20, 6:00 PM, Penn College of Technology, Williamsport, PA
April 21, 7:00 PM, Wells College, Aurora, NY
April 22, 2:30 PM, SUNY Old Westbury, Old Westbury, NY
April 23, Time TBA, Tanglewood Nature Center and Museum, Elmira, NY
April 25, 7:00 PM, Concord University, Athens, WV