Marty’s photo of the day #3903: To-date, I have written three nonfiction books and three science-fiction books. Additionally, I am almost finished with my seventh book. This one will be another science-fiction political-comedy. Even when I write fiction, I draw on personal experiences and factual events. In one of the adventures in my new book, my protagonists time travel to 1950s Brazil to take on a group of missionaries who are abusing a tribe and forcing them to convert to Christianity. (Yes, sometimes humor is the best way to handle gut-wrenching situations.)
The Yagua children in this photo are not being abused by missionaries. Instead, I just borrowed their warmth and enthusiasm for the description of the children in the 1950s time travel section of my upcoming novel. Deb shot this photo of me in a village along the Amazon River in Peru. Deb and I brought gifts of harmonicas, bubbles, and T-shirts for the children. And in this photo, I am handing out sugar free gum.