Marty’s photos of the day #3730-3736: Deb, Nellie, and I stayed in three places while visiting Montana’s American Prairie Reserve. Our middle stay—two nights in a cabin at Antelope Creek Campground—was our least favorite. There the days were so windy that we renamed the location “Wind Camp.” Even so, we still enjoyed our visit.
Photo #1: We traveled for several hours on a long dirt road between Buffalo Camp (our first overnight) and Wind Camp. Because Nellie had jumped out of my truck window once, I rarely drive with her window down. In this instance, since we were in our Subaru and traveling slow, I let her enjoy the fresh air. She loved it!
Photo #2: This is our tiny cabin at Wind Camp.
Photos #3 thru # 6: Scenery and plant life near Wind Camp.
Photo #7: Nellie collapses on one of the bunks inside our cabin after an exhausting day on the prairie.