Marty’s photo of the day #3666: I haven’t posted for several days, because Deb and I took Nellie on her first backpacking trip. We hiked six miles to the Twogood Forest Service Cabin in the mountains of western Montana. There we spent two nights and had a wonderful time. This was Deb’s and my second time at the cabin. We were there in 1998, for our 14th wedding anniversary. And the logbook with Deb’s original notes was still at the cabin! This time we were two months short of our 37th wedding anniversary. Twogood Cabin only opened to the public in 1997 (though the cabin is much older), so Deb’s original entry was only three pages in on what has become an increasingly thick logbook.
Nellie did great, carrying her own backpack, and has now crashed on the couch, totally exhausted from her big weekend. More stories and photos from our adventure to come.