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Front porch elk

Front porch elk

Marty’s photo of the day #4660: Other than Yellowstone National Park, The Amazon Rainforest of Peru, or Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, I’ve never experienced more consistent wildlife sightings than on the Essen Wildlife Refuge (the 25 acres Deb and I own and fiercely protect, surrounding our house). Rarely does a day goes by […]

Baboons, minus the fu―

Baboons, minus the fu―

Marty’s photo of the day #4397: While backpacking across Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, Deb and I stopped for an hour or so to watch a troop of chacma baboons. There was a lot of casual, unmarried fucking going on, but I’ve chosen a shot that doesn’t show that out of respect for any […]

Chacma baboons

Chacma baboons

Marty’s photo of the day #3945: For me, the most enjoyable aspect of Deb’s and my five-day hike across Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe was that we never knew what we’d encounter from one moment to the next. We could hike for an hour and not see much more than impalas. Then, all of […]

Baboon troop

Baboon troop

Marty’s photo of the day #3587: During our 53-mile hike across Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, Deb and I came across this troop of chacma baboons, feeding. Chacmas are the world’s largest baboon species, with the males weighing up to 100 pounds.

Momma Elephant? Don’t mind us!

Momma Elephant? Don’t mind us!

Marty’s photo of the day #3023: For the last chapter in my first book, Cool Creatures, Hot Planet: Exploring the Seven Continents, I wanted something special for the big finish. When most people go to Africa, they are secured safely inside Land Rovers. Deb and I, however, hiked 53 miles across Mana Pools National Park […]