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Baseball and boas

Baseball and boas

Marty’s photo of the day #2517: In honor of the Minnesota Twins vs. Cleveland Indians baseball games in Puerto Rico this week, I’m digging into my Puerto Rico photos. The island really needs these games as a pick-me-up, after the Trump administration botched the hurricane recovery efforts (they have enough paper towels now, however). Both […]

Republicans: What will it take?

Republicans: What will it take?

Gun deaths, police violence, and global warming are epidemics, solvable with commitment, ingenuity, and cooperation. Unfortunately, as long as Republicans stand in the way, solutions to those problems will remain out of America’s grasp. With that in mind, I’d like to ask Republicans, “What will it take?” From 2000 to 2015, the equivalent to one-half […]

Beautiful ice or clean air?

Beautiful ice or clean air?

Marty’s photo of the day #2297: I can’t remember anytime during my life where the United States has been simultaneously hit in so many directions by environmental disasters (thank the Republicans for voting against the environment at a 95% clip). If you are in the southern US, you have one huge hurricane following another. If […]