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Republican and turkeys

Republican and turkeys

Marty’s photo of the day #3542: How are turkeys like Republicans? Turkeys show off their feathers when they want to mate; Republicans show off their guns when they want to mate. Turkeys have trouble solving complex problems; Republicans have trouble solving simple math—like that 306 electoral votes is greater than 232 electoral votes. Turkeys will […]

Toilet paper marauders

Toilet paper marauders

Today I read a newspaper article about the long lines at gun stores from people stocking up on guns and ammo. I can imagine those men talking to their wives now: “Honey, I need to protect your toilet paper. If anyone comes within 50 feet of those precious rolls, I’ll blow their heads off!” Still, […]

Republican hypocrisy in a nutshell

Republican hypocrisy in a nutshell

For years Republicans have rejected the argument that our Founding Fathers could never have envisioned high-capacity, rapid-fire guns when they wrote the Second Amendment. Conversely, they are now arguing in front of the Supreme Court that people of differing sexual orientations and identities can be fired from their jobs—because the lawmakers who wrote the Civil […]

F*ck, f*cking guns!

F*ck, f*cking guns!

Three people were shot at the Minnesota State Fair last night. Having lived much of my life in Minnesota, I’ve been to that fair many times. Never once did I think, “Oh, I wonder if there will be a shooting while I’m there?” But now, such a thought enters the minds of millions of Americans […]

Yes, I do take requests

Yes, I do take requests

Marty’s photo of the day #2494: I worked my way through high school and college as a DJ at radio stations WEBC and KQDS in Duluth. That avocation is long behind me, but I still take requests. Yesterday a friend wrote and requested a marmot picture. So let me, uh-um, clear my throat and find […]

When stereotypes are accurate

When stereotypes are accurate

Marty’s photo of the day #2472: As a liberal, I try to avoid grouping people in stereotypes. But sometimes you can’t argue with their accuracy. For instance, I have neighbors who have been known to shoot off their guns in such rapid succession that I can smell the gunpowder more than a quarter mile away. […]

American gun death resurrections

American gun death resurrections

Soon Republicans and the NRA will agree to make it a bit harder to acquire bump stocks. Then they’ll puff out their chests, tell us all how much they care, and go on offering prayers for the victims of the next slaughter—and the next. If prayers were effective against America’s gun death epidemic, victims would […]

Watch out Martyman

Watch out Martyman

Marty’s photo of the day #2063: Watch out Martyman! Here’s what Montana’s Republican candidate for Congress, Greg Gianforte, said before going out to shoot massive numbers of prairie dogs with Donald Trump Jr.: “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?” When the Republican Jesus heard that, he thought, […]